Health Benefits of Yoga


Yoga is an ancient and universally recognized practice of benefiting the body and mind in a positive way. Practiced for ages, it’s a combination of physical exercises and meditation to deliver holistic health to its practitioners. The purpose of yoga is to maintain a balance between the mind, body and soul and take individuals towards total health.

Millions of people have benefitted worldwide from yoga as it brings a variety of health benefits to its practitioners. The best part, health benefits of yoga is not restricted to only the physical aspect but also reaches to the mind and spirit. From ancient sages to modern tech geeks, yoga has impacted the lives of millions of people all across the world and continues to do the same.

Let’s look at health benefits of yoga:

Flexible body

Yoga is trusted by health-conscious people for its virtues of building muscle strength and increasing flexibility. It helps one get a flexible body and such bodies don’t experience regular bouts of pains or bad posture impacts are normal ones do. With strong muscles, one is kept away from the risks of arthritis, and other similar diseases.

Healthy heart

Doing yoga regular blesses one with a superior and better functioning heart. There are many relaxation exercises in yoga which have a positive impact on the heart rate and blood circulation. The risks of heart attack is minimized to a great level of a lowered heart rate is had through yoga.

Fortified immune system

Yoga increases the blood flow in the body which helps prevent anaemia. Not only does it cut down hypertension but also bring down blood sugar levels in the body. In addition, it’s known to helping lower LDH cholesterol to help the body further. Above all, it keeps the immune system fortified by improving its functionality.

Relaxed mind & body

Yoga helps relax the body and mind. It has exercises that rejuvenate the senses and keeps one energized for all time. In addition, its practitioners know the art of controlling their breath which brings a calming effect to the body. Doing it on a regular basis makes one look fresh and young at all times.

Improved focus & concentration

Yoga is nothing less than an elixir to those who lack focus or who find it hard to concentrate over work or any other aspect. It has different meditation techniques and exercises which not only calm the mind but also boosts the level of focus in a great way. That way, your productivity at work will shoot up for sure.

Holistic health with self-esteem

Yoga helps one feel fully fit and fine. It helps one understand the true meaning of fitness and life. Not only it provides total health but also enriches one with self-esteem. Doing it on a regular basis makes on feel confident about the self.


In a nutshell, you should look to join only those fitness classes that have yoga included in them. After all, without this ancient practice, you would never understand the true meaning of health and fitness.

Yoga Day, is celebrated annually on June 21

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Akshay Sharma

Hi! I’m Akshay Sharma. I’m a blogger at Imagination Waffle. I love to read and write about Fitness, Health & Lifestyle topics.
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