How to Minimize The Risk of Kidney Stone?
The occurrence of kidney stone among individuals is increasing globally. Did you know that at least 1 in 10 individuals will experience unpleasant and horrifying pain due to kidney stone once in their course of a lifetime? It’s alarming and that is why awareness on its cause and precaution is required to stay safe.
How do you get kidney stones?
The presence of a higher amount of minerals and salts in the urine can result in the formation of kidney stone. There are different types of kidney stones: Cystine, uric acid, calcium oxalate and calcium phosphate. Of these, calcium oxalate stones are predominantly seen in individuals. The size of the stone ranges from smaller to bigger and can affect any part of your urinary tract. It can travel from the kidneys to the bladder. The crystal is pulled out from our system through the urinary tract. But, sadly it’s a very painful process as, mostly, the size of the crystal is bigger than the urethra.
If you are experiencing severe pain, get to your doctor fast, Make sure you go to a reputed Houston Medical Center.. He may run tests to find out what type of stone it is. After thorough analysis, craft your treatment plan so as to avoid the odds in the future. If you are already diagnosed with a kidney stone, talk to your health care provider, he may recommend you with treatment or medications to reduce the risk of developing recurrent kidney stones. Buy prescription medicines online from any online medicine store and get your medicines quickly delivered at your doorsteps.
Steps you can take:
Diet plays a major role in minimizing kidney stone formation. Based on the type of kidney stone you had, your healthcare professional will frame a separate diet chart. Follow the same; it will help reduce the probabilities of kidney stones in the future.
1) Sip more water every day:
Drinking enough water daily provides our body with a plethora of benefits. So, sip plenty of water regularly to flush out your kidney stone through urine. It also reduces the risk of developing a new stone. Aim to take at least 3 litres of water each day. Keep a log to check whether you have stretched to your daily target level. Sugary drinks, carbonated beverages, tea and coffee should be avoided as these can strip off your body fluids too quickly and make your urine more concentrated.
2) Limit animal protein:
Proteins are the building blocks for muscles, bones, skin and blood. Of course, meat is the best dietary source of protein. But, eating animal protein increases the chance of developing kidney stones. Replace your meat and animal protein with plant-based foods. They are also high in protein content. Try adding any of the following to your diet:
- Nuts such as almonds, cashews, pistachios
- Legumes such as lentils, peanuts, and dried peas
- Tofu and soy milk
Before taking protein-rich foods, talk to your doctor about the daily recommended dosage of protein that you need to consume each day.
1) Manage the right amount of calcium:
Too little calcium can raise your oxalate levels which in turn lead to the formation of kidney stone. Try to get enough calcium through foods. Also, manage your vitamin D levels as it helps the body to absorb calcium. If you are suffering from calcium deficiency, speak to your doctor. He can recommend you with calcium-rich foods or he adds supplements to meet your daily requirements. Buy meds online from India’s best online medicine shop.
2) Reduce your salt intake:
Diet high in sodium can increase the calcium level in the urine, making you trigger kidney stone formation. Remove packaged foods, salted snacks, pickles, cheese, bread, canned soups, sauces, restaurant meals, ready-to-eat foods and fast foods from your kitchen racks. Try adding less salt to your foods, this can reduce the risk of heart attack, stroke and blood pressure.
3) Add more citrus fruit to your diet:
Citrus fruits such as oranges, lemons and grapefruit can do wonders! Citrus fruits contain a high amount of citrate. Drinking lemon water or having an orange any time during the day or consuming grapefruit juice will help to prevent kidney stone formation.
4) Avoid kidney stone triggering foods:
Many of the below-listed foods are high in oxalate. Of course, they tend to be a part of your healthy choice diet, but your doctor may recommend either avoiding these foods or will ask you to consume in smaller amounts. The list includes
- Beets
- Spinach
- Chocolate
- Pea Nuts
- Wheat Bran
- Brewed tea
- Strawberries
- Rhubarb
- Tree nuts (almonds, hazelnuts)
Make sure to drink plenty of water to avoid kidney stones and other health disorders. This is the best mantra to follow for a healthy journey. Certain dietary changes along with a few medications can prevent kidney stone formation. To name a few, the risk can be minimized by cutting down your animal protein, saying no to salt and keeping yourself well hydrated. Just these simple measures can take you a long way. Never stop your treatment or make any dietary changes without talking to your doctor. If medicines are prescribed, order online from any reputed online pharmacy store.
Author Bio:
Lakshmi Krishnanunni is a blogger and content writer who write many articles on Health and online medicine. As a writer, she aims to provide research-based information to the readers in more detail. In her spare time, she loves cooking and experiments with various cuisines, painting, travelling, listening to music and gardening.
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